Archive Paintings for Sale

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


This cool old building on North Mississippi Ave houses one of my favorite coffee shops in the neighborhood - Fresh Pot. The building use to be a Rexall pharmacy I like how they kept the original signage on the exterior, the interior of the coffee shop also has the original soda fountain counter its a a nice piece of historic Portland.
I accidentally started painting the awning green when it is actually orange, but overall I like how this piece came out.
"Phipps Drugs" Mississippi ave, Portland - 8"x10" $125

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Max train - Portland Street-scapes

Recently I have switched my focus from ink and watercolor sketching to doing more studio watercolors (no ink). This is due to the colder weather and shorter days, there is just less time to sketch  outside. I have been working off of reference photos taken around my office in downtown Portland. With this switch to more traditional studio watercolors I am concentrating on simplification, composition, values and color harmony with less focus on details.

I am finding the local light rail "Max" trains are a good focal point for these street-scapes because they add a nice element of movement and interest to the painting.

My recent inspiration has been the watercolors of Andy Evanson and Chien Chung Wei both have a great loose approach to painting street scenes.

These pieces are available for purchase, email me if you are interested.

Thanks for looking!
Slow Crossing - 9"x12" Watercolor on 140# arches rough paper

SW Alder and 2nd Ave- 9"x12" Watercolor on 140# arches rough paper

Morning Coffee - 8"x8" Watercolor on 140# arches rough paper